Organizing Models


For a better overview, models can be organized in folders.

In addition, you can assign a specific icon to identify a model easier, and you can set up favorites for your models.

Organizing Models in Folders

Models can be organized into folders on the Models overview page under Your models.

  • To create a new folder, click New folder and enter a name.
  • To add a model to a folder, simply drag & drop the model into the folder.
  • To remove a model from a folder, just drag it onto the arrow in the top left corner , and hold until it is moved up a folder level.
Shows the section where models can be organized in folders. Highlighted are the button to create a new folder, a newly created folder, and the arrow you can drop a model onto, if you want to move it a  folder level up. Models organized in folders
Changing the Icon of a Model

To keep models easily differentiated, you can change the icon by clicking on it and selecting a new one:

Shows the window to change the icon that appears when you click on the icon of a model Changing an icon
Marking a Model as Favorite

To keep position a model at the top of a folder or page, you can mark the model as a favorite by activating the star icon . The model is then displayed under the Favorites section on the model overview page:

Shows the section under which the models marked as favorite are displayed. 'Favorite models' section