Refreshing a Data Source


To keep your data integrated and up to date, you need to refresh your data sources regularly.

You can refresh them manually or set up automatic refreshes. Additionally, you can view the history of each data refresh at any time.


Refreshing a Data Source Manually (Default)

By default, you need to manually refresh a data source whenever you want a data sync to happen.

The easiest way to do this is to roll your Last actual date forward to the new month, which will prompt you to refresh data sources associated with the current model and any linked models:

Shows the calender window used to roll the Last actual date forward Rolling the Last actual date forward

If you need to update an existing historical month with the latest data (up to and including the last actual date), you can trigger a refresh through the data preview inside a model, or using the Refresh data button in the Data workspace:

Shows the button in the data preview that can be used to refresh a data source. Refreshing a data source from the data preview
Shows the button in the 'Data' workspace that can be used to refresh a data source. Refreshing a data source from the 'Data' workspace

In the Data workspace, you can also refresh all your data sources at the same time:

Shows the button in the 'Data' workspace that can be used to refresh all data sources. Refreshing all data sources from the 'Data' workspace

To be able to refresh a data source, you need to be the owner or have Edit permission for a model it has been used in (see Sharing models).

Refreshing a Data Source Automatically

You can also set up an automatic refresh of a data source:

  1. Open the Data workspace and click on the desired data source.
  2. Navigate to the Overview tab.
  3. Behind Update interval, select the interval at which you would like to automatically refresh the data source.
Shows the configuration fields for setting up an auto refresh interval for a data source on the Overview tab of a data source Configuring an auto refresh of a data source
  • We will make a best effort attempt to refresh at your chosen time, but the refresh can be slightly delayed due to server load and other factors.
  • Even if auto-refresh is set up, data will not be pulled beyond the Last actual date of each model (until the Last actual date is rolled forward). For more information, see Last actual date.
Viewing the Data Sync History 

You can view a full history of your data source refreshes. This means you are able to see a list of all previous refreshes, as well as any new data items, dimensions, or dimension items, within each sync.

To view the data source history:

  1. Open the Data workspace and click the desired data source.
  2. Navigate to the Overview tab.
  3. The data sync history is displayed on the right-hand side of the tab. Click an event in the history to see the its details:
Shows the data sync history on the right side of the Overview tab of a data source The data sync history