Last Actual Date


The Last actual date is a model-level setting that represents your latest month (or week if in a weekly model) of "actual" historic data. It determines the cut-off date for importing data into your model (unless you have the option 'Import data until' set for a data source).

The following applies:

  • Whenever there is no data present (usually only beyond the Last actual date), xP&A will fall back to the formula to determine the value you see in each month.
  • Charts, trend lines, and time step column headers show forecast periods (beyond the Last actual date) as dashed. The actuals version includes only months up to and including the Last actual date.
  • There is also a Helper variable available for the last actual date.
Setting the Last Actual Date for the First Time

How the last actual date is set for the first time depends on whether you import actual "historic" data via a data source integration or if you enter them manually:

  • If you use data integration, the Last actual date is automatically set when you connect data to a model via an integration for the first time (and the date is in the past).
  • If you enter data manually, you can determine the Last actual date in the time settings of a model (see Editing the Model Settings).
Updating (Rolling Forward) the Last Actual Date

To update the last actual date, i.e. to roll the last actual date forward:

  1. In the Spreadsheet view, click Last actual date in the column header.
  2. Select the new month using the calendar:

  3. In the dialog that appears, choose:
    • Which data sources you want to refresh (across the current and linked models)
    • For which linked models you want to roll the Last actual date forward.
    • If you want to save a version of the affected models. In this case, the version will be saved as Latest Oct ‘23 forecast (depending on which month you save it).

  4. Click Apply.

If you roll the Last actual date back in time, any months of data after the last actual date will be cut off. This is useful for instance if you rolled forward but then realized your books were not closed, or the data was not ready yet.

FAQ About the Last Actual Date

Even if you have data beyond the Last actual date in your data source, they will not be pulled into your model until you roll the Last actual date forward. Nevertheless, a blue dot will be displayed next to the current Last actual date to let you know that there is data beyond the Last actual date.

For more information on this topic, refer to the Import Data Until Function.

If you are missing months of data for any data items immediately before (and including) the Last actual date, xP&A will fall back to the formula for variables connected to those data items for those months.

Anyone who has full or edit access to the model.

  • If you refreshed and there is now data present beyond the current Last actual date, a blue dot will be displayed next to the current Last actual date to let you know there is data available. Once you update the Last actual date, the new data will be pulled into the model(s).
  • If you refreshed and data changed for any historic months (up to and including the Last actual date), this data will be reflected immediately in the model(s).

  • Most data sources refresh within 1-2 minutes. However, some larger data sources may take longer. In these instances, you may have a new Last actual date, but no data being pulled in for it yet. A moving refresh icon will be displayed in the header next to the new Last actual date in any model connected to a refreshing data source.
  • If you know your data sources take a while to refresh, you could instead refresh the data source first, and then update the Last actual date once the refresh is finished.

For more information on this topic, refer to Import Data Until Function.

No worries! Data will flow into the model(s) to which they are connected to as and when they are refreshed, up to whatever months or time steps the data source has data for. Note that there will be no automatic visual distinction between historic months in time step headers or charts, and you will not be able to use the Last Actual helper variable or Actuals version.