Using Comments and Descriptions


There are two main areas for commenting in xP&A:

  • In the spreadsheet, to collaborate with fellow model builders and editors
  • On the dashboard, to collaborate with your end-users, e.g. your business partners, investors etc


This article tells you everything you need to know about comments and descriptions

Adding a Comment on Variables and Cells

Start a comment thread on a variable by using Shift+C on your keyboard, or right-clicking and using the command Add comment. You can either comment on the variable as a whole, or comment on a specific cell within the variable (e.g. specific month or dimension item).

The context menu is displayed. The 'Add comment' option is highlighted in red. Create comment for a variable

If a comment exists, a yellow triangle is displayed in the cell:

A cell with a yellow triangle indicating a comment is displayed. Display of an existing comment
Adding a Description to Variables and Formulas

Descriptions are meant to be more permanent explanations of a variable/formula. You can think of them as an ongoing guide for anyone looking at the model. Add a description by right-clicking and using the command Add Description.

The context menu is displayed. The 'Add description' option is highlighted in red. Adding a description to a variable

You can edit an existing description by double-clicking on it.

If you create a description for a variable in the Inputs section, It also appears on the Dashboard.

Adding an In-Line Formula Comment

You can also add comments within your formulas with a double slash // Everything between the double slash and the end of the line will be ignored by xP&A when calculating.

Comment Permissions

There are two main areas for comments: in the spreadsheet, and on the dashboard.

  • Those with Edit (and above) access to a model can see and interact with all comments across the spreadsheet and the dashboard.
  • Those with View access only can see/interact with comments on the dashboard.
  • If you only have access to the dashboard via a public/private link, you cannot see/reply to existing threads or create new.
  • Comments on the spreadsheet are not shown in a read-only spreadsheet on dashboard.

Comment threads only show up in the views and/or scenarios they were created in, and only for those who have access to those views and/or scenarios. For example, if you create a comment in the High Spend scenario, only those who have access to the High Spend scenario will be able to see/reply to the thread.