Linking Models


Instead of a single model with all of your variables and formulas, you can structure your work into separate, smaller models, and import variables between them.

There are a few benefits to working with smaller, linked models:

  • There willl be less scrolling around and less potential for confusion for you as you build out your models.
  • It will be easier for your team to work with separate models. For example, your HR team can work on your Headcount Plan without worrying about your Revenue model.
  • You can have different permissions for each model. For example you may want each department head to access the company's P&A model, without being able to see the underlying salary data for each employee (this will live in a separate Headcount model).
  • Linked models can have a different time-granularity. For example, your Contracts model could be of daily granularity, while your P&A remains monthly.


Once you link models together, you can:

  • Reference variables in linked models in your formulas, and you can import variables and visuals from one into another. For more information, see Referencing Variables From Linked Models.
  • Easily import charts from one model into another, just like you can import variables. For more information, see Using Tables and Charts.
Linking Models

When in a model, click the + in the overview, and link to an existing or a new model:

The context menu when clicking the plus icon is displayed. The plus icon is highlighted in red. Linking a model

All linked models are displayed in the overview of a model on the left-hand side.

Show the area in the model overview where all linked models are listed Linked models

To be able to link models, they have to be in the same folder.