Linking Models
Last updated on 2025-03-03
Instead of a single model with all of your variables and formulas, you can structure your work into separate, smaller models, and import variables between them.
There are a few benefits to working with smaller, linked models:
- There willl be less scrolling around and less potential for confusion for you as you build out your models.
- It will be easier for your team to work with separate models. For example, your HR team can work on your Headcount Plan without worrying about your Revenue model.
- You can have different permissions for each model. For example you may want each department head to access the company's P&A model, without being able to see the underlying salary data for each employee (this will live in a separate Headcount model).
- Linked models can have a different time-granularity. For example, your Contracts model could be of daily granularity, while your P&A remains monthly.
Once you link models together, you can:
- Reference variables in linked models in your formulas, and you can import variables and visuals from one into another. For more information, see Referencing Variables From Linked Models.
- Easily import charts from one model into another, just like you can import variables. For more information, see Using Tables and Charts.