Cloning a Model


By cloning a model, you can create an identical copy of the model. A cloned model can be useful for the following cases, for example: 

  • Template creation: A cloned model allows you to create templates that can be reused or shared with others.
  • Experimentation: You can use a cloned model to experiment with changes without affecting the original model.
  • Collaboration: Cloning a model facilitates collaboration by enabling others to work on a copy of the model without altering the original.


In order to clone a model you need full access to the model or the model needs to be shared with you with the option Allow cloning as a template.

This article contains the following sections:

Cloning a Model

To clone a model:

  1. Navigate to the model on the start page.
  2. Click the three-dot menu and select Duplicate:

    'Duplicate' option

    If you have other models linked and/or dimensions assigned to the model you want to clone, the Cloning Model name dialog is displayed as follows, for example:

    Dialog when cloning a model

  3. Choose if you want to also Clone X linked models or if you want to Only clone this model.
  4. Choose if you want to Duplicate X dimensions or if you want to Use existing dimensions.
    Note: If you duplicate the assigned dimensions, you can adjust the duplicated dimensions for planning different scenarios without changing the exisiting dimensions.
  5. Choose if you want to Duplicate data sources or if you want to Use existing data sources for the cloned model.
  6. Click Clone X models.
    The cloned model(s) will be displayed with the addition (cloned) in the model overview of the start page.
Allowing Others to Clone Your Model

You can allow others (who don't have full access) to make a clone of your model. Proceed as follows:

  1. Click the Share button in the toolbar.
  2. On the Settings tab, activate the option Allow cloning as a template:

    Allowing to clone as a template
  3. Share the model via public or private link (see Sharing a model).
    All users with whom you shared the model then have the option to click Use this template in the top-right, when viewing the model's dashboard.