Reviewing Data
Last updated on 2025-03-07
The users that have been assigned as reviewers to an ESG report can start reviewing data as soon as data have been collected.
This article contains the following sections:
Access to ESG Report
The type of access to the ESG report depends on your user role and whether you have been assigned as an editor and/or a reviewer. A status message at the top of the data collection page indicates the type of access:
Access for ESG Masters
If you, as an ESG Master, have been assigned as a reviewer and/or an editor to certain parts of the ESRS questionnaire, one of the following status messages will be displayed:
Status message
The user is exclusively assigned as a reviewer and has read access to the whole questionnaire.
Partially editable
The user is partially assigned as a reviewer and partially assigned as an editor, i.e. they can only edit the parts of the questionnaire to which they have been assigned as editor, but have read access to the rest.
Access for ESG Data Collectors
After the ESRS questionnaire has been configured, the ESG Master can assign you as an ESG Data Collector to certain parts of the ESRS questionnaire as editor/and or reviewer (see Assigning Users as Editors or Reviewers). For this reason, you may not see the whole questionnaire, but only parts of it. A status message at the top of the data collection page indicates the type of access:
Status message
The user is exclusively assigned as a reviewer to a part of the ESRS questionnaire and only has read access to the part that they have been assigned to.
Partially editable
The user is partially assigned as a reviewer and partially assigned as an Editor. The user only has read access to the parts for which they are assigned as reviewer and has write access to the part that they have to edit.
Reviewing an Element of the ESRS Questionnaire
As soon as an answer has been provided for a standard, section, disclosure requirement, or question, you can review the data. To mark the element as reviewed, activate the Reviewed check box at the top right side of the element:
If necessary, deactivate the checkbox to revoke the review.