Mode of Excel Files

Last modified on 2024-05-27


The stored Excel files can generally be differentiated between in terms of whether and how they are programmed. The method for inserting and updating the values determines their mode.

This article contains the following sections:

Modes for Excel Files

The mode defines how report values from the Disclosure Management database are inserted and updated in the Excel tables for the chapters of a document.

The mode depends on whether and how the file or table is programmed. The mode of an Excel file tells you how report values are imported and updated.

The mode is assigned automatically by Disclosure Management.

The following modes exist for Excel files:

  • In Automatic mode, the Excel table is programmed so that Disclosure Management automatically inserts report values. The report values match the source system's items or accounts imported into Disclosure Management or are made up of calculation operations of multiple items. Manual changes to individual report values can only be made in the Data View.

  • In Semi-automatic mode, the Excel table is programmed so that at least one report value is recorded manually in the data view or in the Excel table. The manually maintained report values should ideally be entered and edited in the Data View. In addition, report values are automatically inserted and updated by Disclosure Management via items from the database.

  • In Manual mode, the Excel table is programmed so that all report values of the Excel document have to be maintained manually in the data view or in the Excel table. No report values are automatically inserted or updated.

  • If an Excel table is not programmed, it has no mode. Such tables are purely manual tables and are only edited in MS Excel itself and not managed by Disclosure Management. That means they cannot be edited via the data view and no history is maintained for the existing values.

Displaying the Mode

The mode of an Excel file is displayed in the Chapter Detail View for the chapter to which the Excel file is assigned.

The chapter detail view can be opened from the Cockpit by clicking the  icon.

Displays part of the Cockpit. The information icon 'i' is highlighted in a red border. Displays the 'Detail view' tooltip. Opening the detail view of a chapter

The mode is displayed as follows:

Part of the detail view of a chapter. The properties of an Excel file are displayed. The 'Value insertion' label and 'Semi-automatic' entry are highlighted in a red border. Mode of an Excel file